After 2 weeks and a few days, Peter, TJ, and Sara are done with the community censuses! Good thing too, because the weather has just gone down the tubes. Wind just kicked up to 20 kts under a sunny sky. Our various itchy spots are thanking us for a day with out knees planted firmly in hydroids, cuts from lobsters, or bites from octopus (Sara got bitten by a little one). Just a few more blocks to replace and some collectors to put out and we are finished for this trip. Tonight we celebrate St. Patrick's day here in the Keys with some green beer at the Dead Animal Bar. In the meantime, here are some photos of the expedition. Back to SC next Saturday!

Here is a nice block, just waiting to have some wooden pegs driven into it. It will most likely just break my heart when it decides to split in half on the very last peg. Why wait until all the rest are in? Why!?

Sara shows off her newly acquired octopus bling bling. Although you can't see it, the arm the octopus autotomized (dropped) is still wiggling and sucking on to things. I'm sure this will be all the rave next fall.

This is a spotted cleaner shrimp in a sun anemone. It didn't seem real pleased by the interruption, but we ended up getting along just fine. Nice to see a few sun anemones on our sites this time down.

This is the way that inshore hardbottom is supposed to look back in Florida Bay rather than the wasteland left at our sites that were impacted by the sponge kill/die off. Beautiful vase sponge and soft corals.
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