Today's forecast was for sunny skies and calm seas, so as all good researchers do we decided to go fishing. First off we decided to hone my newbie skills at lobster catching. Though all did not go exactly according to plan, it did go fairly well. After about an hour we are all cold, except for Mr. Freeze (aka Pete Bouwma), so we decide to call it a day and go fishing. What a day!!! We go a few miles offshore and almost immediately find a small school of mahi, one of which opted for a much cooler climate inside our freezer. We had multiple hookups, usually ending with Dr. Pete scolding some poor fish for not properly following the correct de-hooking procedure. Man, does this guy take higher learning to the max! Anyway, we had a blast and I must give credit where credit is due - it was our fearless leader Michael who caught the mahi who now resides in our freezer. We ended the day with some bottom fishing on a small patch reef, where I battled wits with some grouper. You win some, you lose some. All in all, a great day on the water with good people. Tomorrow is Monday....now the real work starts - aaaaarghhhhh!
Wow, I feel like I was there! So apparently TJ's not the only one who talks to fish, curses at fish, pleads with fish, and fully believes that they completely understand him. It must be a guy thing.
Seriously? I can't believe you called me from Coral Gardens, talk about salt in the wound. Congrats on the Mahi, now GET TO WORK! I can't wait till I get to come down, someone needs to dilute the crazy testosterone overload you guys have going on. Please give me a call (at any hour) about the elastomer so I can make sure I get it to you soon.
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